Contact us

Telephone: (08) 8985 0400


30 Styles Street, Alawa, NT. 0810

Postal: Po Box 39729, Winnellie NT 0812

The nemarluk school logo is a red and black infinity symbol in a circle.

Student Health

It is requested that children not be sent to school when they are unwell as they cannot participate in planned programs. NT CDC Time Out chart (sick room and Nurses office) lists various diagnosed illnesses and recommended ‘exclusion times’. A medical certificate is required to clear a child's return to school earlier than the listed recommendations.

Undiagnosed illnesses may be infectious and pose a risk to both students and staff and also interrupt learning. Parents could be requested to care for their child at home and/or visit GP for the following:

  • fevers (recent temperatures over 38º)
  • unexpected diarrhoea
  • vomiting
  • flu/cold symptoms: coughing, runny nose, excessive tiredness, aching limbs
  • persistent red irritated eyes –(possible infective cause)
  • erupting skin sores
  • pain/unexplained distress

Health Care Plans

Medical conditions which impact on school programs are documented in a Health Care Plan (HCP). The HCP overarches medication, cardiac, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, continence, exercise, oral care, nutrition, oral eating/drinking and PEG feed plans. All plans completed with families, doctors and other health professionals and reviewed every 12 months or updated as necessary

Administering medication at school

Short term medication
(antibiotics, creams, Panadol, etc.)

  • Complete the Medication Request by Parent/carer form and instruction form
  • Supply adequate pharmacy labelled prescription medications and over the counter medication in original packaging
  • All unused medication will be returned home at the end of each school when no longer required
  • New forms for any changes

Long term medication

  • Complete Medication Request by Parent/carer form consent and instruction form
  • Organise for Medication Instructions from Prescribing Doctor form and instruction form
  • Supply adequate pharmacy labelled prescription medications and over the counter medication in original packaging
  • New forms needed for any changes

**All long term medications need to be collected by families from the school when no longer required or at the end of the year**

Head Lice

Your child will not be sent home if they appear to have head lice /nits, however, in their interest and also to limit transmission to other students, we will notify you requesting students' hair is checked and appropriate treatment commenced. Once treated your child is free to return to school. Please notify the school if your child has headlice so other families can be sent a general advice slip to check/treat as required.

Sun Safety

Nemarluk School promotes sun safety during school activities and excursions. This includes:

  • Using available shade for outdoor activities
  • Planning activities to reduce time spent in the sun
  • Encouraging students to wear protective clothing including hats
  • Providing and applying SPF 30+ broad-spectrum water-based sunscreen

Healthy Eating

The school promotes the Department of Education's Healthy Eating Guidelines. Please let your child's teacher know of any dietary needs. We understand the challenges many of our students face with sensory issues leading to selective eating. Occupational/Speech Therapy and dietitian advice can be helpful.

Consider limiting the introduction of highly processed foods into your child’s diet as these often become preferred foods to the exclusion of more healthy options.

To further support establishing lifelong healthy eating many teachers offer food tasting/shopping/food preparation programs along with lunch programs. Please discuss with your child’s teacher

Oral Health

Children should be assisted to brush their teeth twice each day and visit the dentist yearly for check-ups from the time their first tooth appears. Limiting added sugar in foods and medicines is also important. Nemarluk staff promote good oral hygiene and work with families to help students develop related skills and knowledge.

Free dental checks and treatment are available from Oral Health Service NT at their Casuarina Clinic and a number of Primary School clinics: Call – 89226466 for bookings.

Medicare may pay for essential dental services for some children and adults who are eligible. Child Dental Benefits Schedule pays up to $1,000 over 2 calendar years for children aged 2 to 17 for basic dental services, including dental check-ups, x-rays, cleaning, sealing cracked teeth, fillings, root canals and extractions.


Many of our students have complex health issues making them particularly vulnerable to complications if exposed to various vaccine preventable diseases. We recommend immunisation for all children unless there is a medical reason.

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