Telephone: (08) 8985 0400
30 Styles Street, Alawa, NT. 0810
Postal: Po Box 39729, Winnellie NT 0812
Good communication between school and home is essential. Each student has a communication book in which the class teacher writes on a regular basis. Families are also encouraged to do the same: what their child has been doing at home, any special family events or any other special information which will help staff to respond as well as possible to the needs, interests and any other important aspects of the student’s well-being. Some families prefer email or our secure XUNO service.
There are occasions when families need to discuss matters with the class teacher. It is best to make an appointment so class supervision and location arrangements can be made. Please call in at the office before going to the classroom, as all visitors to the school are required to sign the attendance register in case of emergencies such as fire.
Our newsletter is distributed to families in weeks 1, 5 and 9 of each term. The newsletter is focused on the achievements and activities of students, general school information and events that are occurring in the community. It can be emailed or sent in printed copy. It is also uploaded onto the school website. We also use Facebook so please ‘like’ us and join the community.
Successful communication strategies are integral to building Nemarluk’s reputation and image, both within the school community and with the public.
Reference book for families to refer to for information about the school - available for download.
Your contribution to Nemarluk School can assist in offering exceptional education to students with disabilities, creating a meaningful impact on their lives.
Telephone: (08) 8985 0400
30 Styles Street, Alawa, NT. 0810
Po Box 39729, Winnellie NT 0812
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