Telephone: (08) 8985 0400
30 Styles Street, Alawa, NT. 0810
Postal: Po Box 39729, Winnellie NT 0812
Program Costs
Back to School Vouchers: The DoE ‘Back to School Payment’ can be used to pay for school uniforms. Any left over money can go towards excursions or Voluntary Contribution.
Sports Vouchers: We do not provide the students with their sport vouchers.
For more information please head to the NTG Sport Voucher website.
Your contribution to Nemarluk School can assist in offering exceptional education to students with disabilities, creating a meaningful impact on their lives.
Telephone: (08) 8985 0400
30 Styles Street, Alawa, NT. 0810
Po Box 39729, Winnellie NT 0812
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